The friend............

.......was here for a sleepover.

All went smoothly. They went to bed without a fuss and fell asleep straight away.

I've no idea what time it was when they arose, I remember them coming into our room to announce their wakefulness. I replied with " up shnooon".

I eventually did get up at 9.15am to a good 2-3 hours worth of boy activity. A den had been made in J's room, using every blanket we own. The livingroom was (and still is) strewn with lego and Knex bits and there was train track EVERYWHERE.

I fed them their nutritionally void cereal they had picked themselves the day before......something chocolatey and rediculously sweet.

I sat back and watched my house being blitzed before we headed into town and the Museum.

This was in Princes St Gardens, where i know there's no dog shite lurking under the leaves.

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