The Cracks are Widening....

Back to the house. Has been a 9am to 4pm obsession today. This is a fairly typical crack line. It shows the stresses that have come from one side to the other and broken the mortar. The interesting thing is that the house has fractured in lots of different directions, which shows the quakes are not all centred in the same area. Inside the levels have altered a lot and movement has shown in new places as the aftershocks continue. If it wasnt your house it would be rather fascinating. I think we have over 100 visitors to do the earthquake tours so far and counting. Some are now too scared to be inside so that makes the tours quicker!
The Earthquake Commission finally came, and did the paperwork to sign us off as over their limit. That is in NZ$ 100 000. This means the insurance company can now do their thing with confidence that the government has passed on its responsibility, and that they will be able to claim back the $100K from the government contribution. If that sounds confusing that is merely the start of the process!
We are happy to have another tick in the paperwork box. All progress seems small but is significant in the flow of the process. It is bizarre when you get caught in a tangle of beaurocracy which you never chose to be part of in the first place, and don't in any way want to continue with. Ah well, such is many of lifes interesting turns...

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