A time for everything

By turnx3

Far from the madding crowds

Bank holiday Monday today. We decided to walk a little of the Gritstone Trail, which runs from Disley, SE of Stockport to Kidsgrove. We were starting in Disley, which meant driving through Stockport, which was really slow-going and we got a bit lost, but we finally made it. The plan was for Roger, Philip, Bernard and I to walk, while Janet and John took Edna for a drive round the countryside, then meeting us at a pre-arranged spot where the trail crossed a road. The trail took us through the extensive grounds of Lyme Park, sweeping down past the Hall before climbing up onto the moors. Down by the Hall was really crowded - a typical bank holiday scene, but as we climbed up out of the park, we soon left the crowds behind, and just had the sheep for company! The views were extensive and magnificent, even though it was somewhat overcast. If we had continued further, we would have ended up at Tegg's Nose Country Park, where we were on Thursday. By the time we met up with the others it was half way through the afternoon, and we hadn't had lunch, so we found a supermarket with a cafe and had a cup of tea and cake to tide us over till an early dinner.

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