Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

Yet another trip to the ER.

Or never take on your 13 year old brother on the trampoline when you're 6.

"Oh hello, Mdme Shootsalot. You're back so soon?!"

"Errr, yes. Can you grab that nice surgeon for me please?!" :D

This was one of the most horrible moments of my life. My youngest got up off the trampoline with the lower part of his right arm very clearly facing completely the wrong direction. He is one brave little 6 year old though. And I may even pat myself on the back with being surprisingly cool in the crisis myself. For a Drama Queen ;)

So, here he is the following day, post surgery and back at home, chocolate shake moustache and a smile on his face. Bless him!

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