
By flying

Beauty in the Garden

Mum has this big cacti growing in a pot - whenever she moves house the cacti goes with her.
I hadn't really given cacti the time of the day but since I have seen the flowers of this one, well it could be a different matter. Just opened are two big pure white flowers - they must be 6 inches across, what a beauty! Theres another about to open and more buds on the way. When Mum shifts it, she can hear the water swishing around in the inside. To me the centre is a flower within a flower.

Today is the eve of Daughter A's arrival home from Uni. Hubby has gone to Wellington to help get some of her gear into storage ready for next year. Daughter E and I are in countdown mode and Daughter A's room is all ready and waiting. Yesterday's clematis is in full bloom outside her window - what a welcome home!

Windy and sunny here with an almighty rattler of an afterhsock this morning. I was out with Mum, we didn't feel it but people in other areas were taking cover. Some lost power and phone connections. It measured 5 - surely they have to stop soon.

I'll head away and get a few more jobs done and come back later :)

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