contact surface

As the soles on current-trainers are now thin enough that I can feel the individual knobbles on my pedals interacting with the swooshing-past morning air to numb my feet I thought I'd wear an older but more Gore-Tex-ish pair in this morning despite them not having been worn for well over two years and having spent most of that time sitting in a plant pot in the hallway of the flat to keep them out of the way. They're a little stiff but still fit, though that style was remarkably tighter around the toes than I am now used to. The soles are still thicker and both pedalling and walking (to see the placid mob at lunchtime) resulted in significantly less intrusion of the outside world onto the underside of the feet and less cooling of the toes and top, though at the expense of buggerall grip on the right foot on the way home in mere slight dampness. At least it established that non-ventilatory-fabric-construction should be an advantage over the winter and possibly worth the slightly increased price even if it means no stretch and that when the soles wear down the same problem will recur. I actually went as far as to start poking at foot-pedal joining-methods yesterday but nowhere seems to mention any sort of facility to changing the position of the foot laterally, despite offering some rotational leeway. Depending on what I'm doing I often shift my feet about on the pedals and fixing them in one position (which, given my issues with shoe-fitting, is unlikely to be ideal straight out of the box) has always resulted in immediate knee-pain when previously tried. I shall at least pop to a shop to try things on on the offchance that someone has considered non-standard width-fitting but suspect I'll be sticking with flats for the forseeable future.

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