an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Ducking and a Diving

At lunch today I popped down to the canal at the usual search for a blip spot and saw that two people were feeding bread to the birds.

They were getting a lot of attention probably due to the fact that they were the only people mad enough to be sitting out in the cold.

Well the pigeons and ducks tucked right in, that was until the gulls turned up and started fighting with them all for the bread.

I managed to get a few shot of the angry gulls but decided on this image of the ducks being the bigger birds and waddling away from the trouble.

I like the way they are setting the three stages of jumping, like an instructional video for water based bird diving.

Other than that not a lot to report other than Granny has stayed on to help us through the current sleepless madness (thanks Grandpa) and that computers seem to hate me at the moment, but like the ducks I will not rise to the baiting, not today anyway.

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