Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Pink cloud reflections

I took a quick trip to Empire Lake this morning to get a shot of the fabulous clouds that I saw forming in the sky as the sun was rising. Sometimes it is so hard to get out the door in time to take a shot before work. The sun is coming up about 7:30 now, and I have to be at work at 8:00, so I have to be careful not to get so absorbed in taking photos that I forget I have a job too.

I love these kind of clouds, especially when they pink up from the morning sun. There have been so many fisherman at Empire Lake, and my husband was out there with a friend canoeing on the lake, and I thought I would get a shot of him, but I never saw him. There are several different inroads to the lake, so I think he took a different one.

Looking forward to a nice weekend, I hope you have one too.

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