
By beveridge


I guess this is cheating a little since I'm backblipping one day but I decided that I wanted to blip a document from the year 1710 from the British Library to signify my 300th blip. So its not the best blip but hey this writing is 300 years old!! For some strange reason it won't allow me to post the correct way up - I've tried more than once!

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who subscribes to my journal and leaves amazing comments and also thanks to anyone who occasionally drops in, I'm always so excited when I receive a comment - all of your journals are fab. But really its all thanks to Joe and the amazing guys behind the scene who have given us this wonderful website to share moments in our busy lives.

The document which is a burial record says the following:-

List of Officers and Soldiers who have died in Bombay commencing Dec 1st 1709 ending May the 1st 1710

Sam Walton Ensign (today would be called a junior officer) Consumption
Charles Goodman Fever
Joseph Baker Consumption
Babergie More Pleurisy
Andrew Wood Flux
Richard Knight Flux
William Lowns Flux
John Grizil Flux
William Chamberlain By Dropsie

Just in case you don't know:-
Fever - could be many diseases but possibly malaria
Consumption ? the old name for TB
Flux ? an old name for dysentery

I've also played around on the Internet and come up with a few interesting facts about the year 1710, I was going to work out wages, average death ages etc but thought historical facts would be more interesting:-

1710 - Population of England 5,240,000

The First Lady Diana Spencer was born (1710 - 1735)

........... only another 49 years until the 1st American President

Queen of England - ANNE 1702 - 1714 she the second daughter of JAMES II ? oops this was news to me I thought Elizabeth I was our only queen until Victoria
King of France - Louis XV 1710 ? 1774

King of Spain ? Philip 1700 ? 1724

February 1710 - Battle of Helsingborg
The English recapture Acadia (amongst other places) and renamed it Nova Scotia

Czar Peter the Great sets the 1st Russian state budget.

The Statute of Anne came into force on 10 April 1710 this is considered to be the first fully-fledged copyright statute as it recognized that authors should be the primary beneficiaries.

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