A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The thrill of the game

The focus of today has been on the birthday boy - Jackson is 7 years old today. At a very civilised hour, the day started with present opening and pancakes for breakfast. Then off to the bowling alley to await the arrival of 7 of his friends who were coming bowling and lunching with us. It was loud and slightly chaotic but 9 kids bowled ten games each, no-one was injured and everyone showed every sign of having a good time. Even with the inevitable moments such as in this image when that one elusive pin stays firmly in place. Lots of pictures I could have chosen from today but being moved by the emotion of sport in this way seems an apt marker of how my not-so-little boy is growing up.

Back home for a very chilled out afternoon and a visit from Uncle Matt and Aunty Ali which left us with a goal in the garden and a very happy boy up two pairs of goalie gloves - pre-loved by his uncle.

It's hard to say what has made J grin the most today but he did declare it his best birthday ever as he collapsed into bed.

Carl and I are just about ready to flop on the sofas with some Strictly Come Dancing before we will be doing the same.

Lesley x

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