Thistle Down

By Ethel

Vacation Time

Vacation time nears,
My is gay.
I have dreamed and planned,
Just awaiting this day.

My car is all bulging,
My tires well tread.
I am leaving for places,
My good-byes are said.

Two-weeks have passed by,
And now...I've returned.
My sun-tan lotion,
Has let me get burned.

At first...I was nimble,
When I rode on the lakes.
But now very careful,
I shelter my aches.

The grandeur of mountains,
Afforded me sights.
My payment in part,
For these itchy old bites.

Now...while at work,
I smother my moans.
And I try hard not to laugh,
As I hold back my groans.

When next year comes round,
And my red has turned brown.
I hope that by then,
I have lived it all down.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

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