
By superrstine


I didn't realize, but this should really be the picture for Friday Oct 15 and the one of my puppy should be in this spot on Oct 14. I'm not quite sure how the dates got mixed up but I don't want to delete the photo of Madison and upload it again because of all of your nice comments. (Oct 15) I woke up early to go apply for a passport. Then I got my nails done and visited my Grandma. While I was at her house, I did some Halloween decorating which is how I found this giant plastic hatchet and glasses, so we were having some fun with them. I love making Grandma laugh =D.

Then, I went to my sister's soccer game where we left at half time because they were killing the other team 6 to 0. After that, it was my cousin and uncle's birthdays so we celebrated those and I got to see some family. Then I hung out with Jilly, Mac, and Anthony.

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