Joe's Blips

By joesblips


In my time I've played a bit of cricket, but I've never scored a century, nor anything near it for that matter, so it's with a certain amount of pleasure that I reach my century of blips today. Sorry to disappoint any of you who were expecting something spectacular in celebration and I know there were one or two. Knowing that today I would be busy copying a bunch of paintings to CD for one of our local artists, I had to run something up at one o'clock in the morning and here it is.
My heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been so supportive over these past 100 days, with suggestions, ideas and somewhat undeserved praise. I intend to try to keep this going but as time progresses it is eating up more and more of my time just staying in touch with you all and that doesn't even include shooting any photos. Thanks again you all. Joe.

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