Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Le chocolat chaud

My old friend Terry arrived from New York today. As she's one of my eating partners in crime and is staying for only 3 days before continuing to Istanbul, we lost no time in eating ourselves silly.

Right after we met her at the airport we started with a big Lebanese breakfast. That was somehow followed by a warm chocolate-filled waffle from Galler, and then some real hot chocolate at Frederic Blondeel in the old fish market neighbourhood where I used to live. Terry had some Madagascar hot chocolate and I had this cup of Ghana hot chocolate, which is 85% Ghana chocolate with vanilla, cinnamon and star anis. And just to gild the lily, we fetched up at my favourite ice cream place where I had my first taste of black olive-white chocolate ice cream. It might sound bizarre to anyone reading this but good lord, it was fabulous. In fact, the ice cream there is so good I had to have 3 scoops.

Frederic Blondeel
Quai au Briques 24
1000 Brussels

~ a backblip ~

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