fudrick - obscure camera

By fudrick

Somthing you MUST all do!!!!

Whenever I get free paid envelopes through with junk mail I like to fill them with all the other junk mail and used envelopes I have accumulated for the day and post them back to the gobshites who sent me this stuff in the first place. This has 3 main benfits;

1) The junk mail people have to pay for the freepay enveiope that was used. I understand that they only have to pay the post office if the envelope is used. If enought people do this then who knows one day it may stop.

2) Its fun to post things

3) I get rid of my junk mail. Somthing I think will become very important in the future as it becomes more and more likely that we will all be getting charged by weight for our refuse collection.

It does amaze me that every environmetal solution on offer seems to be related to screwing more money out of the general population. If you were running a government would you not think "hey we could reduce landfill by billions of tonnes each year by banning unsolicited mail, oh my god a policy that would be both popular and have tangiable environmetal benfit......oh; sorry, how silly of me, I don't know what came over me, could you hit me on the head some more with that hammer, thanks.....no lets put microchips in everyones bin instead, ahhh thats better".

Please join me by posting your junkmail back.

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