The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Baby Love

It may look like Katy is trying to munch his cheek but she had just had lunch and so this can be taken as a major sign of affection. We were looking after Ruairidh today and Katy has become rather besotted, following him about the place, pre-chewing his raisins for him and giving him big kisses and cuddles. Can't say I blame her though he is the most easy-going, content little boy ever. An absolute dream. Got quite a few photos of them but very few in which they were both in focus or looking in anywhere near the same direction. Too busy flirting.

Had the rest of satans minions over in the morning and it must be said that they were all remarkably well beahved. We did some baking and the results were even edible. Progress is definitely being made. They then spent the afternoon at Mels making Halloween ornaments out of salt dough. They had lots of fun but don't think their creations will be making it onto the shelves of the local garden centre in the near future somehow.

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