What's a birthday?

Waybuloo card and In the Night Garden cake - blow out candles! That's what I told Mum when she asked me if I knew what a birthday was this morning. But it's not my birthday, it's my Mum's. Still, it was a pretty good day for me too. Mum was planning a walk but the weather wasn't very nice, so instead we went to the Science Centre. We had some tea and cake in the BBC cafe first and then went in to explore. The two things I had most fun with were a wendy house and the big keyboard. But we didn't just visit the Science Centre, we went to the IMAX to see Toy Story 3 in 3D - my first ever trip to the cinema! I was very good and watched the film the whole way through, although I didn't keep the glasses on for all of it. I got very concerned at one point, when the toys seemed to be in grave danger. I kept saying "oh dear" and shouting instructions to them. In the car on the way home, I was literally awake one second and asleep the next. I was VERY grumpy when Mum and Dad woke me up, so after I'd had some dinner they took me to the swing park. I'm going down to Gran and Papa's now so that Mum and Dad can go to the pub.

At the swing park, Orla gave us a run-through of things you find in the sky - an aeroplane (she could hear one), helicopter, sun, moon, stars (although she wanted to know where they had gone again) and clouds. When we put her in the car, she got really upset because the moon had gone, and asked incessantly the whole way home "where's moon gone?". When we got out of the car we had to find the moon again and show it to her. "Moon safe", she pronounced. So that's fine then.

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