Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

My Turn

I am quickly learning that doing a daily blip that other people might want to see is more to do with good/bad luck than forward planning. Today I thought I would go to Carbis Bay beach and take some photos of it while its empty and peaceful. What I actually found was about 20 sets of Dog walkers and a beach covered in gunk washed up on the spring tides last week. It looks like some of the sand dunes at Hayle have fallen into the sea again and the beaches all seem to have strips of gunky Marram grass and seaweed at the high water mark.

Fortunately as I got home with some fairly dodgy pictures I found one of my cats waiting for me and when I tried to photograph him he walked up and gave the lens a head but. I got this photo shortly before the lens got a big cat shape nose print on it. I called it "My Turn" as my other cat has already had her turn in the lime light See older pic

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