Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


I've never been a fan of hot weather, much prefer a wee chill in the air or a nice cool breeze - with a bit of sunshine of course, but not so much it makes me sweat. However I've really noticed how much colder it's been in the last few days. I ache all over and am most out of sorts. Unfortunately fibromyalgia does not like cold weather at all and I'm having to get used to the increased pain again. That which is almost bearable with the right medication suddenly becomes an awful lot worse and I know from experience will get progressively worse over the winter. So I'm currently curled up with some hot water bottles feeling rather sorry for myself and hoping that it doesn't get as bad this time as it has been in the past. I think I'm allowed a wee bit of self pity today and general pissed-off-ness. Promise to be less grumpy tomorrow.

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