
By champignons

hey presto

When I told the Nut this morning we would catch the train, he spent the morning saying 'chugga-chugga-chugga-CHOOCHOO!'
When I told him to catch the train he would have to have his nap early he went to bed at 11am suspiciously easily.

A nappy change? Wearing reins? Sitting in the (hated) lightweight pushchair- all no problem .. he even climbed in the pushchair while my back was turned. To the trains, woman!

I am not sure how knowledgeable a 19 month old is about the mechanics of rail travel, but he seemed to know a lot. He waved to people and they waved back. He pressed the door buttons. He sat nicely and waited to me to pack away the pushchair. He thought tunnels were a little frightening and preferred to sit on my knee. All in all, he enjoyed his first train ride, all 2 stops of it.

15 minutes later we were in Winchester. Took some photos- including one of more hippie types.. nearly posted that one because of the conversation I over heard:

'I'm 5'11' he said 'Thats... 11 MORE!!!'

Had a little shop, found a market stall selling second hand toys took our booty over to Julia's and had a very nice day. Jim picked us up and drove us home (because we left at peak time, and Jim is nice) and we arrived back in time for some of the Nuts favourite train based TV: Chuggington and Driver Dan's Story Train
'Dan!' He murmurs drowsily 'Chugga-chugga-choo-choo'

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