Every Little Step

By moonfairy

'Ere are they all looking at us?

I was intending to put a beautiful sunrise blip on here today but when I had another look, I didn't think the photo did it justice.

So I'm afraid you got these two. They are as usual intended for the hospital foundation. I like making these little things, but the bit I like best of all is the decoration, you can let your imagination run wild!

It's been a bit of a rubbish day, had a consultant's appointment today and for some reason I was getting really irritated by all the waiting around. I then had to go to the chemist to fill a prescription and got more irritated when they kept getting other people's prescriptions ready before mine.

So all in all I was not a happy bunny!!

Got another long day at the hospital tomorrow too!

Still, gives me plenty of time to do my knitting!.

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