I Witness

By KangaZu

From This .....

to that. My day did not go as planned today! It started with me burning my left thumb quite badly, enough to blister up. Then the cake I baked did not come out the pan correctly. And then while I was at the store buying another cake mix, I slipped on some flour that was on the floor and came down rather hard on my right knee. I never did buy the cake mix. I can't tell you how glad I am that the day is almost over!!!! Phew!!

As for this cake - we are having a bake sale/auction at work tomorrow to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and I wanted to bake something special. With a little ingenuity and help from the hubby, I was able to salvage most of the cake to create this little inch worm. After all this trouble, I sure hope someone wants to buy it.

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