In Tru Life

By TruLife

Daddy's Birthday!

Daddy's birthday today and although he had to work we tried to make his evening special with a favourite dinner, cards, chocolate and a home made card from Madeleine which he loved! This is a funny tongue-in-cheek photo of him looking at his birthday card from me.. I like it as it makes me smile!

I started exercise on Friday! At classes at the fitness club we're members of and Flori stayed at the crèche which she didn't mind at all despite me worrying! Mind you they did put her in a high chair and give her a paintbrush which she didn't like... probably a bit confused! Lol. So today I did a legs, bums and tums class and despite the usual instructor being off and the temp one being very soft (apparently) I felt it on my tummy and my legs felt wobbly for ages! Hehe!

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