Snippets of Life

By betho


Today was pretty much the polar opposite of yesterday. Making yum was the most productive thing i did all day.. and they are all 15 of them gone now so it was very short lived productivity too.

The day was already of to a bad start when they decided to give us a fire alarm practice at 7am... It is probably the loudest noise i have ever had wake me up and it terrified the life out of me! I leapt up thinking it was coming from my laptop thinking oh shut it up it's gunna wake everyone, make it stop and unplugged it and when it didn't stop ran into the corridor in a half asleep panic! I also thought it was about 4am and was so confused seeing people in towels... And all this on the one day i could have had a decent lie in. Great. To make it worse, 2 girls didn't get out within the 3 minutes we're meant to so we have to have it all over again another day.

Managed to get a bit more sleep and then spent all morning lazing about and feeling lethargic. Half the afternoon too actually. I did watch some of those miners in chile being rescued live though which was pretty amazing!! What a crazy wonderful thing to be rescued like that. Just can't begin to imagine it can you.

It's also suddenly got really really cold.. not sure when that happened.

Making cakes was fun. Got hundreds and thousands all over the kitchen!

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