a town called E.

By Eej

Agent Skully

I had planned on saving Agent Skully* for an evening photo, with the lights on and everything, but I'm in a horrific mood, and Skully suits me. He is currently employed as Halloween decoration on our front porch, with dried corn-stalks and orange lights. We'll carve up some pumpkins next week and then I'll do the planned evening photo :)

I got yelled at today. To someone else it may not have sounded like yelling, but it did to me and it was completely misplaced and uncalled for. I did something good, and the fact that someone doesn't know what is going on and doesn't communicate ... well, that really doesn't need to be taken out on me, does it?
So, I was a bit upset.

But Skully made it better. Quite an accomplishment, for a wooden skull :)

* we are now also apparently naming inanimate objects, not just insects and plants. I'm sure they are calling us 'that crazy couple' in town.

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