The bugs are back in town
One of the good things about home schooling, is that you can just follow your kids' interests. I know parents do that anyway, but it is handy to be able to base a science lesson around something they asked about a few days ago (and also saves me having to think up any bright ideas myself). Conor was asking on the plane on Saturday about how high up the plane would have to go to be in space. I started trying to explain about the layers of atmosphere, but didn't get far in the absence of paper and pencils.
So, today we all learned something about the layers of the atmosphere.
The weather brightened up a bit too, enough to get out with the camera and tripod and take advantage of a wind-free day. These wee bugs (the kids call them 'French ladybirds') just love this bush and absolutely cover these seeds, trying to gnaw their way in. There are about 300 seeds on the whole bush, each with 3-7 bugs trying to get some dinner. They've had to take a few days off because of the rain, but are back with a vengeance.
Must go now: we've a box-set of House to watch. Our intention was to ration ourselves to one each night, but we're not quite managing.
Big meeting tomorrow to sign papers on the house. The kids have been bullied/bribed into behaving.
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