South-African Blipmeet!

We done it today and we're doing another one tomorrow!! Eisch, what a lovely day! Thank you Penoso as well as 'J', we had an absolutly bliss time with the two of you! Great company and great conversation!! God bless!

MissU2, Penoso and LuvU2 in the garden of Penoso's sister, J, in Potchefstroom today! 'J' held the camera and the four of us 'posed'! Hiehiehie!

We wandered through the North-West University Botanical Gardens in Potchefstroom with Penoso today and afterwards the four of us visited Penoso's older sister, 'J', for coffee and milktart! What a wonderful day of exchanging memories of days gone by! 'J' was one of M's commanding officers when he did his two years national service as a medic in the army in the late eighties. What a day of: Do you remember.......? Yes, and what about.........? Eisch, the time together just simply slipped away!

We are paying Letstryit a quick visit tomorrow afternoon, I know she visited us on Sunday, but since we had other visitors as well and all left at the same time, there was not really time to take a proper snap, that's definitely going to happen tomorrow!! Watch this space!! ;-)

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