Honey, honey, how you thrill me

A little too thrilled by the look of this poor bee, who met his demise, drowned in his own creation.

B brings little offerings round to us from time to time. This time a plate of honeycomb, complete with oozing honey and one lonely, dead bee.

Cousteau enjoyed the taking of this shot, as he was underneath, catching the drips of honey as they fell perilously close to his waiting nose.

It was lots of fun to try and capture the drips and so much easier than water as the fact that it is more viscous meant that it dripped more slowly.

An okay day after a bad night's 'sleep'. Must have drifted off at some point this morning as I awoke to find myself on my front and on further inspection, discovered that my fringe was sticking straight up. Good look. Not.

Hair duly smoothed and dried flat again, I went to work to do what I do. A bit befuddled due to lack of sleep, but nevertheless, present in body, if not in mind.

Managed an hour or so of uni work when I got home and then a pleasant stroll with the dogs, B and JL.

About to have some tea and then get myself an early night of which ceiling staring will hopefully not be a major part.


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