Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns


We were up early and excited to spend the day with our family. Unfortunately, the sun didn't make its appearance until nearly the end of the day. My husband had to work, but the rest of us piled into our man van and headed around the coast for some sight seeing.

I was disappointed, to say the least, at the weather. Really, really, really disappointed. It rained the entire morning. The only fortunate part of it all was that the air was somewhat warm (to me that is) and not super chilly. We checked out the docks in Charleston, the Coast Guard lookout, Bastendorff and Sunset beaches, the Simpson Reef lookout and Cape Arago.

This shot is from Bastendorff Beach, where some young boys were skim surfing. One of the young men had wandered off to chase the massive cloud of seagulls. We were pretty amazed at how many were flying around and were continually entertained by the young man's persistence running up and down the beach.

Apparently it was 10/10/10 today. I guess a lot of people got hitched on this day. I guess we missed it. Whoops. :)

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