Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Check Out His Grill

I'm thinking he'll need braces some day. What do you think? This is how he came to me after his shower tonight, right before bedtime.
*Went to church and taught my class about 'Initiative----Seeing what needs to be done and doing it'....hoping my own kids will come home and follow-through on that one.
*Went out to lunch at Del Taco afterwards with the church family....where Landon hurt his neck in a bounce house trying to do a flip.
*Rich took Loren to hang out with Chris for a few hours (thanks Rich!)
*Went grocery shopping on a Sunday at WinCo....what was I thinking???!!! (oh, yeah, that the boys start school again tomorrow and have no 'lunchbox' food or even dinner....and that soon they will be eating the refrigerator door!)
*Hung out with the boys while Gary was at Youth Group and helped Loren edit his Science Fiction Narrative a bit more.

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