The EZ Life

By saltnsauce


This is Sazzles. And this facial expression sums up both our days.
Today was a sunday, and not only was i awake, i was up and out the house by 7.30. I know this is something acheived by some people on a regular basis, some much earlier. I admire these people. However for anyone who knows me can well imagine my though process. I needed to be at Sainsburys for 9 and no bus would take me there early enough. So, i decided to walk some of it and get a cab the rest. But the nearer i got the more pointless a cab seemed so by the time i got to the Bridges, then onto Leith Walk i thought i might as well walk the whole thing, it was only Meadowbank after all.

However i forgot to turn right, and I ended up in Leith. All before 9am.
I got a taxi and the totaly fare was £4.95. Exactly £3.95 of that was driving back up the road i'd been walking down.

Good times...

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