Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Evening Light

I haven't done much today apart from try and catch up with everything I missed by being away for the weekend.

I have also been trying to reevaluate what I am going to do regarding my woodturning. On Saturday at the biggest craft fair in the county my better half worked her little socks off and the sum total of sales was 3 small bowls that just covered the price of the table. There is an unbelievable appethy when it comes to crafts round here. NOt to mention ignorance and stupidity.................questions like "what is it for?" when looking at a dish or "What do you put in it?" when looking at a box.

We went out this afternoon to get a couple of bits and peices and when I parked the car I saw this wonderful light lighting up the construction site - so it was a case of running (well walking quickly) to a better possition to get todays blip.

When I turned round to rejoin SWMBO I saw THIS.

What great light - just wish it had been like this on Saturday up at Glen Coe instead of howling gale, rain like stones and a grey blanket instead of a sky.

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