
By dsyglsy

train to london

exciting day! we got the train to london today to see my brother and his wife - it took seven hours, but it was lovely. the girls loved it and were really well behaved, watching films, playing games and drawing all the way. we don't travel much (not through choice) so it's always a novelty when we do...whilst other people are set in their ways about what they expect from transport, accommodation and holiday activities, we're easy to please and just enjoy the whole shebang.
I had a couple of nice pics of the girls looking out the train window but I really liked this one of beth reading harry potter. she must have been reading a serious or scary bit because she's frowning, but look how grown up she looks! she's such a laugh just now too.

so, we're here at last, in my brother's flat waiting for them to get home from the maldives (lucky buggers)...the kids are beyond excited about seeing them. hoping for some good london-blips this week too!

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