jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Treat time!

I spent 4 hours traipsing round town today with Ben hoping he'd fall asleep.

Admittedly in that time I did pick him up from nursery, buy nappies, go to several stores trying to find leggings (none that I wanted), have coffee and a cheese and ham toastie with Ben, arrange for underlay and grippers to arrive on Thursday and for Bens carpet to finally be fitted (we are going to have to be SO careful once it's down not to get any paint on it!), and I also got Ben's hair cut.

We got home exhausted and he finally fell asleep at 4.30.

I however had soup to make, butternut and coconut - which we have had for dinner. After I'd strained the lentils out that is, as I have a very strong suspicion that Ben would have totally refused to eat it had it had the texture of half-puréed lentils.

It was delicious.

And now we have a deadline to at least finish the skirting board - because the carpet goes down on Thursday! I am really quite giddily excited about that!

And because I spent the best part of the day traipsing round with Ben, you get to see his mug all covered in the decaf mocha he shared with me. Yum yum! His teeshirt won't do for another day though. Ah well. Got a lot of washing dried on the line today. Gale force winds near blew it away...

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