
By champignons

The Eyeball of Awesome

One of Mr Nut's Little mates came round today,which was good because it kept his mind off the massive tooth beginning to poke through his soft tender gums. I say that on the basis of a reluctance to clean teeth, amount of snot produced and number of nocturnal awakenings, rather than any hard pointy evidence because I know better than to put my fingers in there for a look-see or, indeed, bite-ow, after Melissa's horrific tale concerning a similar incidence.

Nap time was again cut short so in the afternoon we went to the charity shops. Shop one he wanted a car, but it wasn't a toy and shouldn't have been in the toy section (It was a dangerous looking metal box). The next shop there was a toy car and he really wanted it but it was filthy. It needed to go in the bin. He was quite sad by this point. He chose this light up eyeball toy in poundland, and some biscuits, and happiness was restored.

I have dubbed it The Bokehtastic Random Blip Generator of Awesomeness.
You will see it in many backgrounds, and every time I forget to take a decent photo before 11.55

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