
By Cairistiona1

Happy to be...

The newest play park in their little world continues to hold much excitement for the terrible twosome. Spook continues to get herself so high up trees that she needs a bit of encouragement to get back down again. Today was no exception. I reckon she was about twenty feet up a conifer and she was we;; out onto the green bits on the branches. Not surprisingly, a few crows passing by decided to mob her. Not sure it'll put her off though.

Pogle is a different case altogether, he still runs vertically up the tree, but he never heads for the dizzy heights in the same way. I guess it is because he is a good bit heavier and it takes much more effort as a result. Anyway, he still finds the energy to charge around the grass while his sister alerts the whole neighbourhood to her plight.

Sorry the joins aren't great and some of the images suck a bit. Don't have lots of time to play. Might be fun to come back to on a brighter day though.

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