A time for everything

By turnx3

Mullion Cove

Went for a walk this morning with Peter and Judy along the cliffs as far as picturesque Mullion Cove. The weather brightened quite nicely as we approached Mullion Cove, unfortunately we knew it wasn't going to last. There was a small group of teenage boys jumping and diving for the harbor wall into the water. We enjoyed a hot chocolate in a little cafe then returned and had lunch in a little deli in the inland village of Mullion. The promised rain arrived as a light drizzle while we were having lunch. This was Peter and Judy's last day before setting off home tomorrow, so they were going to be spending the afternoon packing and cleaning their flat. Knowing we were in for at least a partially wet afternoon we headed to Truro for the afternoon and visited the cathedral. In the evening we met up with Peter and Judy again at the Mullion Cove Hotel up on the cliffs above the cove. The weather had deteriorated further from the afternoon - it was cold, wet and blowing a gale, so we weren't able to appreciate the wonderful views, but we did enjoy a lovely dinner in their Cove Bistro.

Best viewed in large.

One year ago: Latest prayer shawl

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