Kick racism out

A mixed weekend for Leicester in more ways than one
Yesterday there where two demonstrations in the city. One by the EDL and a counter demonstration by UAF...United Against Facism.
Between 2 & 3 thousand demonstrators and 1400 police, some in riot gear descended on Humberstone Gate East
The EDL had wanted a march, but this was refused by the Home Office so the had to make do with a static demo. It still wasn`t without incidents, missiles being thrown, violent clashes, people injured.
Today was a complete change
Apart from the Leicester marathon being run around and through the city, the council had organised a day `We are One Leicester`
I now live in one of the biggest multi cultural cities outside London and this was a day to celebrate that fact.
There where various marquees set up to enable the hundreds of people attending to take part in activities from all the cultures, there was even a May Pole.
The acts on the concert stage where well received and no better when this chap a certain Mr Billy Bragg came onto the stage...

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