Milo and Chino

Are they just too adorable or are they just too adorable!!? They know they are not allowed to go out the front door, because there is no fence in front of the house and cars may just surprise them, so, they will not go out the front door, even though C&R are outside! Just about enough reason to kiss their little ears off!! ;-)

We had a wonderful day!!~Letstryit and her hubby came over as well as our beloved friend from Centurion and her adorable two kiddies,, they were our bestest friends in Zambia and moved back to SA a year before us! Those two little angels were just wee babies when they nestled into our hearts and there they will stay forever!!

We decided to have our best friends over to meet M&Z (MissU2),, and spend a whole day together! What a lovely day!! C made awesome chicken and the most yummy salads and we had a very tasty lemon tart for dessert! But the company was ace! Wow!!

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