Was rather out of it by the time midnight came around, the cat supplied a willing model as he looked on in interest at my slightly drunken attempts to master songs I've never heard before on the new Guitar Hero.
Finished up the first week at the new job with some real work, combined with learning the basics of Selemium IDE for firefox. Came back to an empty house, installed my Wacom Bamboo drivers on the laptop in case I need them in hte future and then pretty much rocked the night away until Jen came home and I realised how drunk I was! Off to bed sheepishly after that...
I ahve agreed to do some work over the weekend for my old employers, which was a terrible mistake I shall probably regret, we will see.
- 0
- 0
- Canon PowerShot A520
- 1/2
- f/2.6
- 6mm
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