Up early for an inspection of the house by L'Expert. From the fancy car he drove, it's clearly the business to be in down here. He crawled over every inch of the place and pronounced it sound (phew) save for a small number of termites in a shed - but no big problem. This seems to be a compulsory survey - checking electrics, plumbing, structure and, of course, infestations.
With that hurdle out of the way, we seem to have a potential contract signing opportunity next week... but still plenty could go wrong before then so we're trying to remain calm.
Last night, slightly stressed by the impending Expert's visit, we tried the obvious couple's stress buster. No, not that, karaoke! Seemed like such a good idea at the time - couple of quick songs, then an early night. At 2am after another several glasses of wine, and about 50 songs.... it seemed less good. At 7am this morning it seemed decidedly disastrous.
Anyway, the day passed, I remembered I have a macro lens and tripod, and wandered about taking photos of all the small things. This spider is clearly waiting, as are we, for developments to unfold.
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