
By Instography

Closer to zero

Not the work sums, my productivity. Although they contribute no revenue, no benefit to clients and, in my ever so humble opinion, no useful information, my employer insists on eventually having time sheets completed. So, today, my wee three-hour stint was spent filling in five weeks worth. Wake me up.

Had a wee wander before Mandy got back with Ellen but it so grey and misty that I only took my wee Elioflex out a couple of times and used just three of the twelve frames that you get on a 120 film so that's not my photo for today. Maybe tomorrow.

While Ellen had her nap, I read my book (apart from my own wee snooze) and then we picked up Ewan from school and went to the park. Eventually the sun broke through a crack in the clouds so we headed to the beach. The tide was in so there was only about 9 inches of beach. Home for TV although Ellen did provide a moment of entertainment by walking into a telephone pole. It was funny until the tears and wailing started.

This really is better large.

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