A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

There's no place like home

And fortunately I rather like it as we have been fairly housebound today. Kid A had a bad night with her tummy bug and so was first on the not going to school list. Kid J quickly joined her when trying to eat breakfast brought tears and led to a call for an emergency dental appointment.

So we had to head out a bit to find out that Kid J has somehow managed to scrape some skin off the roof of his mouth and to buy some soft food. The rest of the day has been very low-key and chilled.

A has taken to folding up pictures she has drawn at school and storing them in her cardigan pockets. This one I found today. A is a little sad it is ripped. I am happy she thinks about us.

Also in the shot are a froggy picture she did last year and a photo of the artist herself, aged 6 months.

Possibly being thrown because of an unexpected day but currently lacking the Friday feeling. Off to see if I can find some...

Lesley x

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