In Tru Life

By TruLife

Catch Up!

I am shattered and getting dizzy spells at the moment due to lots of stress (don't ask) and burning the candle at both ends - staying up too late, and never getting a lie in any more! :-( Sooooo I decided I had to do a bit of catch up, which I never normally do. While Floriana snoozed, so did I for one and a half hours! Lovely! But I felt groggy for ages after.

I am now burning the late night candle... go to bed girl!

Flori missed out on baby and toddlers and I did too, but when you gotta sleep, you gotta sleep!

We enjoyed our afternoon at the club though and it was lovely to be joined for tea by Daddy! Yesterday's Blip is at the club too, so there's a bit of a theme. I'll try and snap something different tomorrow!

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