Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


After 12 hours of sleep I feel somewhat recovered from yesterday. That's good news. Although, the legs are still very tired, to be expected I guess.

After a leisurely start we packed up the car and headed back to Christchurch. Canterbury had gone back the night before with Barking, so KiwiD and I were hunting for blips.

Being the driver I spotted a location and stopped, only to have it stolen by KiwiD. Actually, we did agree that we could both blip it, but then I saw Barking had blipped it also the day before. What does a blipper do?

So, we stopped in the Waipara (a wine growing region) and I shot this vineyard I have been eyeing up for some time. It's not the shot or angle I want, but I thought it was worth having anyway, as I see a mid summer and autumn trip to the region in my future, and this one will be a handy comparison.

Canterbury shot the same region yesterday. Christchurch is becoming a crowded place to blip ;-)

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