Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns


This is the wheat grass my son's class has planted, and I watch it grow and grow each week. I've been waiting for the sun to be right and found it today. I snuck into the garden for some quick shots right before the bells began to ring. The bokeh in the background reminds me of fairies descending into the grass. It's peaceful and simple right out the camera.

Dropping my son at school was very peaceful and rewarding. I am finally developing relationships around the school and with his teacher. I felt like such an outsider when he first started and nearly felt like it was my first days all over again. I felt all the anxiety and stress that he was feeling even thought I tried not to. As part of the requirements, each child's parent(s) must commit to 40 hours of volunteer time each school year. It wasn't until last Friday that I finally figured out the system and am excited to go on his field trip next week as a chaperon.

He forgot to give me a hug and kiss today, which is the opposite of usual. Every day he runs back after a hug and kiss to get just one more. Today, he talked with his friends and walked straight into his classroom, grabbed a bagel and some milk and sat down next to his friend. He never glanced at me again. It was precious and exactly what I've been hoping for. He's adapted. :)

Work was another beast all together. I try to be open to anything and even criticism, but when I'm "characterized" as something I am not, it pisses me off. When slapped with attacks on my character, I lash back and later feel defeated. Today, however, I feel that I reacted with confidence and pride. There is no way to change another person's perception of you, even though I'm told today I can change the "perception" about me.

I know who I am. I know who is important to me. I know what I need to do to care for those most important to me. Because we don't share the same values doesn't make me a lesser employee. It just means I'm different.

Anyways, I'm obviously passionate about this and need to let it go so I can have a good evening. I figured I'd post my blip early and then take the boys for a ride and some ice cream.

More fairies

My all time favorite fairies

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