bridget riley's eyesight

By gail


Walking back from Islington today I found myself behind these two - matching cut of the overcoat, matching brogues, matching tweed trousers with matching turn-ups.

They are of course (R)Gilbert & George (L), world renowned artists working from a house and studio just off Brick Lane in the East End of London. They are probably the most successful and well know contemporary artists working in Britain today, and the first living ones to have a major retrospective exhibition at the Tate Modern, but unlike other revered artists/designers/architects of the modern age they have never been formally recognised for their achievements and their vast body of work. I wonder why?

Whether you like their work or not (and I don't particularly, well, the really old stuff is good), they are a fascinating couple of odd bods!

Later I took eldest son to see the new Chuck Close exhibition at the White Cube just behind Piccadilly. We weren't particularly impressed with that either, too many textiles. OK if you're into that sort of thing and quite well done and everything but not our cup of tea.

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