From the beginning.

By simonB

Taming the skies ...

I never thought that I'd be taken with 'landscape' photography when I bought into my new camera, but that's exactly what seems to be happening.

Yet after my recent trip to Scotland, and my night expedition to Joderel Bank, I was frustrated and dismayed at washed out skies ... doesn't an expensive camera just 'do' what you want it to ??

Anyway, after several thousand Google-hours I've ended up here, on my first outing with 'Graduated ND Filters', I'm in love with them now :)
(NO, i did not say photoshop !)

So yes, equipment (aka 'money') gets a better result... at first that saddened me.
However, after looking at all the images I brought home, I saw some were weak, badly composed etc etc .. and others had exciting angles, little glimmers of 'style' that I could build on and develop. So there is 'human' input after all ! :)
At the end of a contemplative outing ... I feel quite pleased and excited.

Image isn't perfect by any means, I got a blob on the lens, missed the best light by fafffing and all sorts of other moans. Yet it's a step in the right direction, I feel that I'm journeying, and that is only good.

One day I hope I can just relax and just enjoy these sunsets without maybe thinking quite so much.

Other goodie from today (more colour anyway) is here:

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