
By wayfarer

My Goodness! - My Guinness!

Me in Dublin for the fist time in years, about to sip the holy nectar - a pint of Guinness brewed and poured in Dublin! It was everything I hoped it would be.
Actually, this picture is a set up. I couldn't wait until the evening for my first pint in years, so I went and found a pub - O'Donoghue's as it happens. There was music being played in the corner, the place was heaving - it was the perfect setting for my reaquaintance with the Heavenly Porter.
I would have Blipped that moment but it was too dark, even at 1600 iso, so the moment had to be restaged.
Thanks to my colleague, Rita, for taking the photo, despite holding my SLR at arms length and looking in vain for the image to appear on the screen, she managed to capture the moment!
Having been away so long, I'd forgotten how much bloody noise Dubliners make on a Saturday night! A combination of bass beats booming through the walls and people being very shouty in the street ensured that I got about two hours sleep. Ah well, it was all good fun.

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