Bits and pieces

Pottering Sunday. You know, just around the house and garden, doing nothing specific, nothing useful.

Oh, and we went to see our friends who are baby-sitting a lab, just to test Hanna. Testing if Hanna is not allergic to dogs, just in case. She seems to sneeze around cats and not around dogs, but she had a suspicious "mosquito bite". We made her cuddle the dog, walk it, stroke it and really felt like making her drink water from the dog's bowl, but stopped there. I think she will be fine. So straight from there we went to a pet shop to look at all pricey necessities and bought a Kong and a dental toy. I can see this whole new world appearing on front of my eyes. The world I had no idea about until last week when I sent 15 e-mails to labrador breeders in Adelaide and found one with a whole black litter - perfect!

Just for the record, I am a cat person.

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